Thursday, 21 February 2013

Defination of Quality and It's characteristics

Definition of Quality:-

1>Quality is a dynamic state associated with the products, services, people, process and environment that meets or exceeds the expectations of the customer. Quality is defined as the ratio of performance to expectations:-

Quality(Q)=performance(s)/Expectations (E)


Q=1; customer is satisfied,

Q<1; customer is not satisfied,

Q>1; customer is delighted.

2>According to W. Edward Deming, quality can be defined only in terms of an agent who is judging the quality.

3>According to Joseph M. Juran, quality means close features of products that meet customer needs and there by provide customer satisfaction.

Greater satisfaction of customer=Increase the income of that company.

Quality Characteristics:-

Quality characteristics may be one or more elements that define the intended quality level of a product or service.

1>Structural Characteristics:-Length of part, weight of car, etc.

2>Sensory Characteristics:-Taste of food, smell of a sweet fragrance, etc.

3>Time-oriented Characteristics:-warranty, reliability, etc.

4>Functional characteristics:-Utility of purpose, Guarantees and  Warrantees, etc.

5>Ethical Characteristics:-Honesty, Friendliness,etc.

6>Non-Functional characteristics:-Self image of user, Style and appearance of the initial, etc.


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